Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Devil in DoozelDorf

The current table top that Im playing is Pathfinder (all of the good of D&D none of the bad). The campaign that Im running is called "A Devil in DoozelDorf", DoozelDorf being the moutain villiage that the campaign started in. Without going into the story itself, DoozelDorf has turned out to be a fun town to illustrate and flesh out for the group.

Ive decided to undertake a very large project that will basically illustrate every building in DoozelDorf as well as every floor and make it all interactive in Flash. That said, Im going to start posting the work as its done. That said, here is one of the various homes from the town:



Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tengu Troll

From a D&D campaign that we had 2 years ago that my group still talks about. To sum up the campagin, it was an asian setting. The group had recieved orders from a daimyo to infiltraite and observe a subject in a fortress that bordered his domain. On their way through the forest, they had a random encounter that ended up being the theme of the night. James, a player whos character is on the ground in this image was actually killed (twice) but at the complaining of my players I had to un-write him back to life. Not something I like to have to do in a game. In the end however that nights game was a lot of fun, even if I had a rewrite and so I drew this in memorial of it. Its been sitting in my portfolio for 2 years now and so I wanted to finally finish it so that it would have the color I hopefully showed them with it.